Lillehammer Olympiapark AS annonserte i går at is-legging av banen vil ikke gjennomføres i slutten av September som normalt. Lillehammer Olympiske Bob- og Akebane (LOBA) ønsker dog å legge is, men dette vil gjøres medio November når temperaturen er lavere. LOBA skal holde åpent den kommende vinteren for nasjonal idrett som de anser som en del av deres samfunns oppdrag.

Bakgrunnen for avgjørelsen er COVID-19 hvor det per i dag er en innreisekarantene på 10 dager ved innreise fra flere Europeiske land og dette skaper en stor usikkerhet for banens inntekt særlig i oktober måned.

LOBA håper på forståelse rundt avgjørelsen og ser frem til en mer «normal» hverdag for den internasjonale sports arenaen. Ved større endringer (i positiv retning) vil LOBA gjøre kontinuerlige vurderinger gjeldende avgjørelsen.

*In English

Yesterday (31.08.2020), Lillehammer Olympiapark announced their postponement for their opening this winther. The track usually opens with ice in the end of september each season, this will now be MEDIO November.

The background for this decision is the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic which has an impact on the authorities’ travel restrictions. As the status today is that almost all European countries are marked as ‘red’ by our authorities, giving all persons coming to Norway an obligatory 10-day quarantine before they are allowed to join the open society if they have a negative COVID-19 test. We have been in dialogue with the authorities regarding a exemption from the provisions for athletes and their leaders, but this have not been accepted by the government.

We are aware of that our decision will have an big impact on the Sport Calendar for the IBSF, as we were scheduled to organize 3 different international competitions in November with the Norwegian Federation of Luge, Bobsleigh and Skeleton, but as the status are at this stage, we are not in a position to guarantee the operations of any of the planned competitions. On the other hand, if the situations change, we are open for discussions to organise events at a later stage of the season (December – February).

Track Manager, Jan Oddvar Tangen
Foto: Girts Kheris / IBSF



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